Thursday, July 18, 2013

 Today we began with Mass with Fr. Landry. Father spoke of our need to be "yoked to Christ". He compared this to being in a three legged race. If you do not stay in sync with the person you are tied to, you cannot move. This demonstrates our need to always be yoked with Jesus and be able to move with Him. He further explained that each of our yokes is especially designed for each of us.

We continued our pilgrimage with a more in depth visit to St. John Lateran and Santa Croce. We also visited the Baptistry at St. John Lateran. This Baptistry is the oldest in Christianity next to the Jordan River. This was the only baptistry in Rome for centuries. Ironically, the holy water font was dry. Father promptly emptied a water bottle into it, read the rite of blessing, after which we renewed our baptismal promises. Of note, many Saints were baptized here.  

Next we went to the Scala Sancta (the Church of the Holy Stairs) and witnessed many pilgrims going up the stairs on their knees. It was quite moving. There was beautiful art and is a wonderful place to contemplate the Passion.  

Lastly we made our way on the bus and on foot to the Catacombs of St. Callisto. St. Cecilia's body was found there incorrupt. They have a statue at the place of her tomb that shows exactly how she was found. This was a special gift for Sister Cecilia. 

Lastly we stopped at the Church of Domine Quo Vadis. This is supposedly the place where Peter met Jesus as he was fleeing Rome. It was here that Peter asked Him, "Quo Vadis Domine?" to which Our Lord replied "I am going back to Rome to be crucified again." Father encouraged us to ask the Lord the same question for our own lives. 

We then returned home, had holy hour together, dinner and then Father took us out for Gelato! We are now exhausted, but spiritually refreshed. 

We will continue to pray for you and your intentions. Please send any prayer requests you may have. You can leave them as a comment on this blog.

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